Teachers’ Professional Learning in the Context of Implementing Project Based Learning in a Secondary School


  • Awneet Sivia University of the Fraser Valley
  • Vandy Britton University of the Fraser Valley

Mots-clés :

teacher learning, inquiry-as-stance, practice


Teachers’ professional learning (TPL) involves a stance of inquiry, with particular habits of mind and ways of being as educators. To explore this premise, our study focused on the experiences of two teachers implementing a curricular innovation, project-based learning, in their classes. We used a phenomenological approach to capture the essence of TPL through the voices and narratives of teachers engaged in this process. Data from interviews and observations was analysed, leading to the development of concepts associated with TPL: collaboration, learning from professional development workshops, a learning mindset, shifts in practice, and liberation. These concepts helped to clarify inquiry as a stance in teacher learning. Our research has implications for teachers’ professional development and for teacher education. 

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Awneet Sivia, University of the Fraser Valley

Awneet is an Associate Professor in the Teacher Education Department at UFV. She teaches courses in social justice, science, and technology education, school reform, classroom research, and reflective practice. She held teaching and leadership positions in K-12 and in post-secondary. Awneet also worked as a faculty associate and coordinator at SFU in international education, paraprofessional upgrading, foreign-credentialed teacher education, and graduate certificate and master of education programs. Awneet’s current research areas include science teacher education, social justice education, diversity leadership, self-study in teacher education, and teacher learning. 

Vandy Britton, University of the Fraser Valley

Vandy Britton is an Assistant Professor and the department head for Teacher Education at UFV. Currently, she teaches courses in social justice, reflective practice, and arts-based practices and methods within the BEd. Prior to UFV, Vandy worked as a faculty associate and program coordinator in Professional Programs at SFU, instructing and mentoring pre-service, in-service and seconded teachers. Her research interests include Indigenous education, social justice education, teacher education, and teachers’ professional learning.


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Comment citer

Sivia, A., & Britton, V. (2022). Teachers’ Professional Learning in the Context of Implementing Project Based Learning in a Secondary School. Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 56(2/3). Consulté à l’adresse https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/9817


