The Patch: An Artful Syn(aes)thetic Mapping Of Linguistic Data Through Collaborative Digital / Analogue Literacy Processes


  • Kedrick James University of British Columbia
  • Rachel Horst University of British Columbia
  • Yuya Peco Takeda University of British Columbia
  • Esteban Morales University of British Columbia


digital literacy, arts-based research, creative economies, sonification, text analysis visualization, discursive ecology


The Patch workshop explores creative / critical analyses that can map the collectively relevant topoi of semiosis in linguistic texts according to the three ecologies as articulated by Félix Guattari. As creative pedagogues both in service and critical of creative economics, we valourize a generative practice, one that results in successive creative readings, writings, visualizations, sonifications and audiovisual artifacts. The Patch is a human-computer procedural algorithm, engaging a series of recursive and recombinant processes that utilize several software programs, collaborative writing and performance practices to bridge analogue and digital literacies. A total of 80 teacher education students, graduate students and faculty, working with a single input text, provided the data reported in this paper.

Author Biographies

Kedrick James, University of British Columbia

Kedrick James is an arts-based educator, researcher, and scholar. He is the Director of the Digital Literacy Centre, Associate Professor of Teaching and Deputy Head for the Department of Language and Literacy Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. His areas of scholarship include Secondary Teacher Education, Digital Literacy, Language Automation, Poetic Inquiry, Eco-poetics, Critical Media Literacy, New Materialism, Post-humanism, and Inclusive Education. Website:

Rachel Horst, University of British Columbia

Rachel Horst is a SSHRC-funded PhD student interested in exploring narrative inquiry as a methodology for engaging with future potentiality. She is interested in digital literacy, digital arts-based inquiry, makerspace technologies, computational thinking, and post humanist epistemologies. She writes fiction, poetry, and creates digital and analogue media of all kinds. Website:

Yuya Peco Takeda, University of British Columbia

Yuya Takeda is a PhD candidate in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at University of British Columbia. Taking an existentialist orientation, he studies conspiracy theories and explores how critical media literacy education can address the roles of desire in reading and writing of the world. He is also an experimental street photographer. Twitter: @yuyapecotakeda   Website:

Esteban Morales, University of British Columbia

Esteban Morales is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. He obtained his Master’s degree in Educational Technology and Learning Design from Simon Fraser University and a second MA in Transmedia Communication from EAFIT University, Colombia. His main research interest includes critical digital literacies, social media and peace education in Latinoamerica. Twitter: @estebanmoralesv


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How to Cite

James, K., Horst, R., Takeda, Y. P., & Morales, E. (2021). The Patch: An Artful Syn(aes)thetic Mapping Of Linguistic Data Through Collaborative Digital / Analogue Literacy Processes. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 55(3). Retrieved from



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