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reflexivity, reflection in-on-for action, objective posture, accompanying and accompanied actor


Collective accompaniment, as per the reflexivity approach on-in-for practice, requires the adoption of different postures, whether one is placed in the role of the accompanying or accompanied person. This article presents the lived experiences of an accompaniment process fostering research and training within an individual and collective reflexivity approach. Three types of actors are interrelated: an accompanying research director, an accompanied and accompanying doctoral candidate, and accompanied and accompanying English as a second language teachers. Advocating for an action-research approach using the first-person point of view (“I”), each actor was invited to reflect on their practice from an on-in-for perspective. The discussion presents three dimensions: the role of ethical rules, the art of questioning, and the interdependence between involved actors.

Author Biographies

Patricia Marie Anne Houde, McGill UniversityUniversité de SherbrookeUniversidad de Guanajuato

PATRICIA HOUDE is a professor of Second Language Education in the Department of
Languages at the University of Guanajuato in Mexico. Her research focuses on
reflective practice through collective accompaniment for the professional
development of second language teachers. She holds a bachelor's in psychology, a
master's in education in English as a second language, and a PhD in Educational
Studies in Language Acquisition.

Suzanne Guillemette, Université de Sherbrooke

Suzanne Guillemette is a professor in the Département de gestion de l’éducation at the Université de Sherbrooke. Her research focuses on management and guidance practices that support school personnel and, consequently, the educational and academic success of students. She combines an action-research approach with a collective accompaniment model that supports analysis of practice and reflexivity.


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How to Cite

Houde, P. M. A., & Guillemette, S. (2021). COLLECTIVE ACCOMPANIMENT AS PER THE REFLEXIVITY APPROACH ON-IN-FOR PRACTICE EXPERIENCED BY THREE TYPES OF ACTORS. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 55(2). Retrieved from


