
  • Daniel Fallon Carnegie Corporation of New York & Council of Independent Colleges


EDITOR'S NOTE: This contribution to our "Perspectives" section is an unusual yet significant one that celebrates a exceptional pair of educators and at the same time explores deep insights into education. It is a speech, given at the University of South Carolina, that honours an Emeritus Professor of the McGill Faculty of Education, Professor Eigil Pedersen. At the same time it pays tribute to an extraordinary Grade One teacher, "Miss A." who was the subject of a famous study by Professor Pedersen. We are delighted to have been given permission by Daniel Fallon of the Carnegie Corporation in the United States to publish his speech in this form. NOTE: Cette contribution à la section "Perspectives" de notre revue est inhabituelle mais importante. Elle rend, en effet, hommage à la fois à deux éducateurs et nous fait jeter un regard profond sur l'éducation. Il s'agit d'un discours en l'honneur d'Eigil Pedersen, professeur émérite de la Faculté des Sciences de l'éducation de l'Université McGill. On y célèbre une enseignante exceptionnelle de 1ère année, Mlle A., qui fut un sujet d'étude du Professeur Pedersen. Nous sommes ravis d'avoir reçu de Daniel Fallon de la Carnegie Corporation aux Etats-Unis la permission de la publier sous cette forme.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Daniel Fallon, Carnegie Corporation of New York & Council of Independent Colleges

DANIEL FALLON is chair of the educational division of Carnegie Corporation of New York. Before his arrival at Carnegie in 2000, Daniel Fallon held appointments as Professor of Psychology and Professor of Public Affairs at the University of Maryland at College Park, where he also served as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost from 1993 to 1996. Previously he held teaching and administrative positions at The State University of New York at Binghamton and at the University of Colorado in Denver. He served from 1999 through 2000 as arts and sciences consultant to the Teacher Education Accreditation Council, and as principal staff support to the President's Task Force on Teacher Education of the American Council on Education, and principal author of its report, "To touch the future." DANIEL FALLON est président de la division pédagogique de la Carnegie Corporation of New York. Avant son arrivée à Carnegie en 2000, il occupait le poste de professeur de psychologie et d'affaires publiques à l'University of Maryland, College Park, où il a aussi été vice-président aux affaires universitaires et doyen de 1993 à 1996. Il a occupé auparavant des postes en enseignement et en administration à la State University of New York à Binghamton ainsi qu'à l'University of Colorado à Denver. De 1999 à 2000 inclusivement, il a été conseiller en arts et sciences au Teacher Education Accreditation Council, et soutien principal du personnel à la President's Task Force on Teacher Education de l'American Council on Education; il est l'auteur principal de son rapport, «To touch the future».




Comment citer

Fallon, D. (2003). Perspectives: THE AMAZING MISS A AND WHY WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT HER. Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 38(003). Consulté à l’adresse


