
  • John Wolforth McGill University
  • Howard Barber


April 6, 1981. Over one hundred parents and others are gathered in the gymnasium of the Lennoxville Elementary School. They have come to find out more about the program of instruction in French as a Second Language which the Lennoxville District School Board has been running since September 1979. The children of sorne of them are already in the program, while others will expect to enter it at the beginning of the next school year.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

John Wolforth, McGill University

John Wolforth's research and published writings have mainly been focused on the social and economic development of the Canadian North, on urbanism, and on the problems of education in geography and in environmental studies. (Director, Office of Graduate Studies, and a member of the Department of Secondary Education.) Les travaux de recherche et les publications de John Wolforth ont porté principalement sur le développement économique et social du Grand Nord canadien, sur l'urbanisme, les problèmes d'enseignement de la géographie et les études du milieu. (Directeur, bureau des études supérieurs et membre du département d'enseignement secondaire.)

Howard Barber

Howard Barber, a native of Alberta was a Master's student at McGill University and completed a thesis on the role of the academic council in CEGEPS. He is currently working in Ontario. Howard Barber, originaire de l'Alberta, a été étudiant en maîtrise à l'université McGill et a terminé sa thèse sur le rôle du conseil académique dans les cégeps. Il travaille actuellement en Ontario.




Comment citer

Wolforth, J., & Barber, H. (1983). LEARNING FRENCH IN THE TOWNSHIPS. Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 18(002). Consulté à l’adresse https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/7509


