
  • Palmer Acheson Concordia University
  • Allison d'Anglejan Université de Montréal
  • Jack de Bagheera Université de Montréal
  • Richard Tucker KcGill University


The state of the teaching of English as a second language in the French-speaking schools of Quebec has become a critical issue now that alternative means of learning English, including the informai but powerful processes of acquiring it in the context of work, are to be closed off. Acheson and his co-authors have inquired into the prevailing characteristics of the teacher of English as second language in a Quebec school, and reveal some of the severe deficiencies in knowledge and attitude under which this work is typically carried on. The implications for the future of mutual understanding between the two adjacent cultures are distressing, and the authors make a strong case for what appears to be the obvious remedy.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Palmer Acheson, Concordia University

Palmer Acheson is director of graduate studies in teaching English as a second language at Concordia University. He has taught in schools and universities in Tunisia, Mexico, London, Saudi Arabia, and Indiana in the United States.

Allison d'Anglejan, Université de Montréal

Allison D'Anglejan is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education in l'Université de Montréal. With a background in psycholinguistics, her research has been on second language acquisition among immigrants to Québec, with a particular interest in informal learning.

Jack de Bagheera, Université de Montréal

Jack de Bagheera, formerly a member of the Faculty of Education at McGill, has been in charge of C.A.L.S. (the Certificate of English as a Second Language) at l'Université de Montréal. He has conducted research in Quebec and Ontario into the sociological aspects of second language leaming.

Richard Tucker, KcGill University

Richard Tucker is a Professor of Psychology at McGill, specialising in psycholinguistics, with published research in language acquisition and usage in both monolingual and bilingual settings. He has been a project specialist with the Ford Foundation in language centres in South East Asia and in the Middle East, and on September 1st he will take up a new appointment as Director of the Centre of Applied Linguistics in Washington D.C.




Comment citer

Acheson, P., d’Anglejan, A., de Bagheera, J., & Tucker, R. (1978). ENGLISH AS THE SECOND LANGUAGE IN QUEBEC: A TEACHER PROFILE. Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 13(002). Consulté à l’adresse https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/7206


