Cyber-dilemmas in the new millennium: School obligations to provide student safety in a virtual school environment


  • Shaheen Shariff Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University

Mots-clés :

cyber bullying, Internet safety, legal issues, virtual school environment, school responsibility


ABSTRACT. Cyber-bullying is a psychologically devastating form of social cruelty among adolescents. This paper reviews the current policy vacuum as it relates to the legal obligations and reasonable expectations of schools to monitor and supervise on-line discourse, while balancing student safety, education, and interaction in virtual space. The paper opens with a profile and conditions of cyber-bullying. A brief discussion of the institutional responses to cyber-bullying follows. Finally, emerging and established law is highlighted to provide guidelines that are more likely than arbitrary responses, to help schools reduce cyber-bullying through educational means that protect students and avoid litigation. CYBER DILEMMES DANS LE NOUVEAU MILLÉNAIRE : OBLIGATIONS DES ÉCOLES À ASSURER AUX ÉLÈVES LA SÉCURITÉ DANS UN ENVIRONNEMENT SCOLAIRE VIRTUEL RÉSUMÉ. La cyber-intimidation est une forme psychologiquement dévastatrice et actuellement moins étudiée parmi les adolescents. Cet article passe en revue le manque de politique lié aux obligations légales et aux attentes raisonnables des écoles pour diriger et guider les discours sur Internet pendant qu’ils équilibrent la sécurité, l’éducation et les interactions des étudiants dans cet espace virtuel. Le document commence avec une description du profil de l’intimidation cybernétique et de ses conditions. Une brève description des hiérarchies de pouvoir discussion et des réponses institutionnelles aux cyberintimidations suit. Finalement, une loi émergeante et déjà établie est mise en valeur pour servir de ligne directrice qui, éventuellement, aidera les écoles à réduire l’intimidation cybernétique, et ce, au moyen de contenu éducatif qui protège les étudiants et permet d’éviter les litiges.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Shaheen Shariff, Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University

SHAHEEN SHARIFF is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. Her appointment is in leadership, policy studies and education law, informed by human rights, constitutional, international and tort law. She is the Principal Investigator on two research projects funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: 1) to investigate cyber-bullying and the legal obligations of schools; and 2) to investigate the impact of Quebec’s intercultural policies on immigrant students post-September 11th. Dr. Shariff is currently writing two books: 1) Censorship in Schools; and 2) “A System on Trial᾿ which involves the development of guidelines for educators on emerging legal challenges, liability and student safety issues relating to new technologies.


Comment citer

Shariff, S. (2007). Cyber-dilemmas in the new millennium: School obligations to provide student safety in a virtual school environment. Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 40(3). Consulté à l’adresse


