What's to Fear: Calling homophobia into question


  • Didi Khayatt York University

Mots-clés :

homophobia, gender, sexuality, deviance from norm


ABSTRACT. This paper examines the interplay between gender and sexuality. In particular, it looks at some reasons why mainstream society cannot bear homosexuality, or any expression of resistance to heteronormativity. The paper also considers in what makes schools particularly hostile to teaching or tolerating deviance from set notions of essentialized and normative sexuality. CE QU’IL FAUT CRAINDRE : LA REMISE EN QUESTION DE L’HOMOPHOBIE RÉSUMÉ. L’auteure examine les liens entre le sexe (genre) et la sexualité. Notamment, elle explique pourquoi la société en général ne peut supporter l’homosexualité ni toute expression de résistance à l’hétéronormativité. L’article analyse aussi ce qui rend les écoles particulièrement hostiles à l’enseignement et à la tolérance de toute déviation des notions établies de sexualité normative et essentialisée.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Didi Khayatt, York University

DIDI KHAYATT is a Professor at York University. She has been writing about issues of sexuality since her dissertation was defended in the 1980s. She is the author of Lesbian Teachers: An invisible presence and numerous refereed articles. She lives in Toronto with her partner and dog.


Comment citer

Khayatt, D. (2007). What’s to Fear: Calling homophobia into question. Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 41(2). Consulté à l’adresse https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/560


