Editorial - Vol. 41 No. 2


  • Blye W. Frank Dalhousie University
  • Kevin G. Davison National University of Ireland, Galway

Mots-clés :

gender in education, masculinities

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Blye W. Frank, Dalhousie University

BLYE W. FRANK is a full professor and Director of Faculty Development in the Division

of Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University, Halifax,

NS. His major research foci are diversity and health, equity and social justice, and

men, masculinities and health. He has recently been awarded a Workshop Grant by

the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) to establish the Health, Illness,

Men and Masculinities (HIMM) network. Dr. Frank is the author and co-author of

numerous articles and book chapters in these areas. Most recently, he has been involved

in a number of international projects aimed at building training capacity in medical

education in Tanzania, Northern Pakistan and Turkey. E-mail: Blye.Frank@dal.ca

Kevin G. Davison, National University of Ireland, Galway

KEVIN G. DAVISON is Lecturer in Education and Research Development Coordinator

with the Department of Education at The National University of Ireland, Galway.

He teaches sociology of education for The Higher Diploma in Education program, as

well as qualitative research methodologies for the Postgraduate program. He currently

researches and publishes in the area of masculinities, bodies, boys, and literacies, as

well as research methodologies in the postmodern condition. Furthermore, Dr. Davison

is co-editor, with Dr. Frank, of a collection soon to be published by Althouse Press,

entitled Masculinities and Schooling: International Practices and Perspectives, and

is author of the forthcoming book entitled: Gender gravity and the postmodern push:

The pressure of gender and bodies on curriculum (Edwin Mellen Press). E-mail: Kevin.



Comment citer

Frank, B. W., & Davison, K. G. (2007). Editorial - Vol. 41 No. 2. Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 41(2). Consulté à l’adresse https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/558


