Harmonizing Music and Linguistic Identity: A/r/tography With Student Teachers


  • Gail Cormier Université de Saint-Boniface


minority language pedagogy, linguistic identity, French-language teaching, music, student teacher, risk-taking, a/r/tography


By adopting an a/r/tography lens, this text will explore the relationship between music, linguistic identity and education. Through my experiences teaching high school French immersion classes and later my transition to teaching at the Faculty of Education, I will explore the risks and possibilities associated with this methodology. Bringing music into the classroom through a/r/tography can contribute to a heightened interest in the French language and a reinforcement of the francophone identity among students. My own identity journey shows the diversity of dynamic spaces in the field of education and presents the potential for positive exchanges within these spaces for the development of linguistic identity among future teachers and professors.

Author Biography

Gail Cormier, Université de Saint-Boniface

Professeure adjointe, Faculté d'éducation


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How to Cite

Cormier, G. (2021). Harmonizing Music and Linguistic Identity: A/r/tography With Student Teachers. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 55(3). Retrieved from https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/9794



Special Issue - Notes from the Field