Exploring the creative geographies of work with pre-service Social Studies teachers: Exposing intersections of time and labour in New Brunswick, Canada


  • Casey M. Burkholder University of New Brunswick
  • Allen Chase University of New Brunswick


cellphilms, creative pedagogies, geography, mapping, work


What creative approaches might be harnessed to encourage social critique and action in pre-service Geography teacher education? By reflecting on an assignment in Casey’s Introduction to Teaching Geography class where pre-service teachers (including Allen) visually mapped a worker’s labour for a day on unceded and unsurrendered Wolastoqiyik territory (Fredericton, New Brunswick), we ask: What can we learn about work, labour, space, capitalism, and intersectionality by visually mapping a worker’s day and analyzing their labour? We argue that by confronting the apolitical teaching of Geography education through the example of the Mapping Labour assignment, we might attempt to disrupt the ways that European Canadian settler geographies permeate the existing curriculum and work to disrupt neoliberal assumptions about schooling, creativity, and work.

Author Biography

Casey M. Burkholder, University of New Brunswick

Dr. Casey Burkholder is an Assistant Professor at the University of New Brunswick, interested in critical teacher-education, and participatory visual research. In choosing a research path at the intersection of resistance&activism, gender, inclusion, DIY media-making, and Social Studies education, Casey believes her work may contribute to ‘research as intervention’ (Mitchell, 2011) through participatory approaches to equity and social change.


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How to Cite

Burkholder, C. M., & Chase, A. (2021). Exploring the creative geographies of work with pre-service Social Studies teachers: Exposing intersections of time and labour in New Brunswick, Canada. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 55(3). Retrieved from https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/9801



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