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  • Ildiko Pelczer McGill
  • Elena Polotskaia Université du Québec en Outaouais
  • Olga Fellus Ottawa University


elementary school teaching, dyslexia, mathematics teaching, relational reasoning, word problem resolution


In our previous studies, we developed an approach to teaching problem-solving we termed Equilibrated Development that allows students to better understand the quantitative relationships that arise in a mathematical problem and to better choose a solution strategy. We used the method of a teaching experiment to evaluate the applicability of the developed approach to cases of students with dyslexia and to modify it, if necessary, to meet these students’ needs. Our data suggest that: a) the understanding of the mathematical structure of a problem is independent of the student's basic numerical knowledge, and b) there are conditions that allow a dyslexic student to develop mathematical reasoning to solve written problems despite difficulties in reading and writing of numbers and text.

Author Biographies

Ildiko Pelczer, McGill

ILDIKO PELCZER is an assistant professor at Concordia University. She holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics from Bucharest University; a master’s degree in Computer Science from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Concordia University. Her interest is in studying the impact of mathematics competitions on student engagement, problem solving and understanding of mathematics. She is involved in organizing math competitions and outreach activities.

Elena Polotskaia, Université du Québec en Outaouais

ELENA POLOTSKAIA is a professor of mathematics education at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. She holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics Education from Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU) (1982), an M.Ed. in Mathematics Education from the Université de Montréal (1997), and a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from McGill University (2015). She is currently interested in the difficulties of teaching mathematics and developmental teaching and learning. 

Olga Fellus, Ottawa University

Olga FELLUS holds a Ph.D. in Education, Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation; an M.A. in Translation and Interpretation; and an M.Ed. in TESOL. A former high school teacher, Olga's research interests focus on the intersection point of identity-making in mathematics, discourse, pragmatics, elementary mathematics, and educational change. Her recent publications include a paper that introduces a broader conceptualization of identity-making in mathematics education (Fellus, 2019); a duoethnographical approach to understanding Vygotsky's and Piaget's theories of learning (Fellus & Biton, 2017); and a cultural-historical study of the introduction of algebraic thinking into elementary mathematics (Freiman & Fellus, 2021). Olga is a past editor of the AERA Educational Change SIG Lead the Change series.


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How to Cite

Pelczer, I., Polotskaia, E., & Fellus, O. (2021). WORD PROBLEM-SOLVING: THE CASE OF A STUDENT WITH DYSLEXIA. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 55(2). Retrieved from


