Shifting routines among families with school-age children with disabilities due to mandatory school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic in Québec, Canada
COVID-19, family routines, learning differences, disability, school closuresAbstract
This study explored the changes in routine and emotional themes experienced by families of children with learning differences or disabilities due to mandatory school closures during COVID-19 in Québec, Canada. A questionnaire was used to compare the family routines of 21 participants before and after the school closures. The study’s findings highlight an overall concern regarding the social and emotional outcomes of long-term school closures. Family routines after the school closures included increased technology usage, lack of socialization, cease or decline of extracurriculars and therapies, and an increase in symptoms of depression and anxiety among school-aged children with learning differences and disabilities. The authors suggest enhanced support services to mitigate negative outcomes among school-aged children with learning differences and disabilities.
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