Quality of interactions in home-based childcare: Considering normative and meaning-making approaches
Quality of interactions, Childcare, Home-based childcare, Childcare center, Conceptions, Normative approach, Meaning making approach, Cultural analysis, Classroom Assessment Scoring SystemAbstract
This article aims to describe home-based childcare providers’ conceptions of quality interactions. Based on a meaning-making approach, participants’ conceptions were collected through semi-structured interviews and then analyzed through a cultural lens. The conceptions were also compared to the domains and dimensions of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System Toddler, a standardized instrument designed to measure the quality of interactions as a normative concept in childcare centers. The results show that there are mainly differences in the conceptions regarding interactions as experienced in home-based childcare and in childcare centers. A diversity of languages is necessary to consider the distinct cultural context of home-based childcare.
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