Parent commissioners’, elected commissioners', and directors' perceptions of parental participation in school board decision-making in Quebec


  • Patrice Cyrille Ahehehinnou Université Laval
  • Abdoulaye Anne Université Laval



Parent participation, educational governance, decision making, school boards, Quebec


The purpose of this article is to understand the perceptions of parent commissioners, elected commissioners, and principals on the political participation of parents in the decision-making process within the councils of commissioners since the adoption of Bill 105 amending the Education Act. A multiple case study was conducted with two school boards in the City of Québec area, and semi-structured interviews were held with 13 participants. A content analysis of the data revealed that greater numbers and the right to vote have brought parent commissioners more legitimacy and recognition, as well as a more egalitarian relationship with the other members of the school governing bodies. The role of parent commissioners is now more decision-making than simply advisory.

Author Biographies

Patrice Cyrille Ahehehinnou, Université Laval

holds a PhD in administration and educational policy from Laval University. His research interests include school governance, parental political participation in education, girls' schooling in developing countries, social engagement, experiential learning through reflective practice, and more.

Abdoulaye Anne, Université Laval

is a sociologist of education with an interest in issues related to the quality and relevance of education. Abdoulaye Anne is a professor in the Department of Educational Foundations and Practices at the Faculty of Education Sciences at Laval University. He has a strong interest in the comparative analysis of policies shaping the educational field, as well as the practices that reflect these policies. Mr. Anne's current research focuses on (a) the meaning of education decentralization policies for stakeholders, (b) the role of innovation and stakeholder involvement in the design of educational policies, and (c) the cognitive aspects related to the successful implementation of educational policies.


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How to Cite

Ahehehinnou, P. C., & Anne, A. (2025). Parent commissioners’, elected commissioners’, and directors’ perceptions of parental participation in school board decision-making in Quebec. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 58(3), 260–284.


