Cross-cultural adaptation of the resistance to change scale (RTC) to the Quebec context




Cross-cultural adaptation, EDRAC, dispositional resistance to change scale, resistance to change, RTC, validation process


This research presents the history of the Resistance To Change Scale (Oreg, 2003a) and its adaptation to the Quebec context. The four dimensional scale concerns the disposition to resist change, a trait reflecting a negative attitude towards change. Four studies were conducted. First, using the backward translation method, a preliminary version was produced and evaluated by experts and teachers. Then, two pretests were conducted with two samples of university students. Last, the final version of the ÉDRAC was submitted to 294 undergraduate students. The ÉDRAC presents various proofs of validity and offers a portrait of students’ disposition to resist change. Its characteristics are discussed.

Author Biographies

Maude Loi Zedda, Haute Ecole Pédagogique Vaud

is an associate professor of change management in the teaching profession at HEP Vaud. She is head of the Professionalization research pole at her institution. With a doctorate in Educational Sscience, she also holds a bachelor's degree in teaching and a master's degree in Educational Science and Practice from HEP Vaud. She is a regular member of the Laboratoire international sur l'inclusion scolaire and a committee member of the Association pour le développement de l'enseignement et de la recherche en administration de l'éducation (ADERAE). Her research focuses on organizational psychology and the professional development of school staff.

Eric Frenette, Université Laval

(Ph.D.) is a full professor in measurement and evaluation at Université Laval. He holds a master's degree in Education from UQTR, a doctorate in measurement and evaluation, and a postdoctorate in psychometrics from Université Laval. His research focuses on scale development, validation processes, measurement models and statistical analysis, as well as on learning assessment: history, ethics, assessment devices, and evidence. He teaches courses in the field of learning assessment. He is a former editor of the Revue Mesure et Évaluation en Éducation.

Stéphane Thibodeau, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

is a professor-researcher of school administration in the Department of Educational Sciences at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. He is a regular researcher at the Laboratoire international sur l'inclusion scolaire (LISIS) and the Réseau de recherche et de valorisation de la recherche sur le bien-être et la réussite (RÉVERBÈRE). His research focuses on the organizational behavior of different actors in the education sector and on pre-service teacher training.

Pascal Forget, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

is a professor-researcher in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivieres. He specializes in the productivity of manufacturing and service organizations (both private and public). His research interests focus on performance management approaches, the deployment of Industry 4.0, management dashboards, information technologies, inter-company collaboration, advanced simulation, and operations research. He is the co-holder of the Research Chair on the Factory-Laboratory in Manufacturing Intelligence.


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How to Cite

Loi Zedda, M., Frenette, E., Thibodeau, S., & Forget, P. (2025). Cross-cultural adaptation of the resistance to change scale (RTC) to the Quebec context . McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 58(3), 230–259.


