Contributions of the enactive perspective to professional university training in Quebec


  • Maria del Carmen Grullon Carvajal Université de Montréal
  • Carine Nassif-Gouin Université de Montréal
  • Nathalie S. Trépanier Université de Montréal
  • Marie (Aurélie) Thériault Université de Montréal
  • Francisco Loiola Université de Montréal


Enaction, Professionalizing university training, Human activity, Adult education, Course of action


This essay is part of and offers a reflection on the enactive approach to cognition (Varela & al; Thompson, 2007) applied to adult education in Quebec. The objective is to participate in the scientific reflection on professional training in a university context. The preferred content analysis technique derives from the anasynthesis content analysis method (Legendre, 2005; Messier & Dumais, 2016). First, the context of professionalizing university training in Quebec is presented. Then, human activity according to an enactive approach is defined in order to clarify certain key concepts. Finally, examples of applications of enaction in professionalizing university training allow us to explore how an enactive posture supports the professional training of students.

Author Biographies

Maria del Carmen Grullon Carvajal, Université de Montréal

is a doctoral student in the Department of Psychopedagogy and Andragogy of the Faculty of Education at the Université de Montréal.She has an M.A. in Education Sciences and her thesis focuses on the planning of universally oriented mathematics education in the context of inclusion, as well as on curriculum-based assessment models (e.g., curriculum-based evaluation). She is co-founder of GRIMTÉ (

Carine Nassif-Gouin, Université de Montréal

is a doctoral student in Education Sciences, specializing in adult education. She is responsible for the academic program at the Université de Montréal and is a certified educational designer (ACCP-CAID). She is a collaborating member of the CIERA (

Nathalie S. Trépanier, Université de Montréal

is a full professor in the Department of Psychopedagogy and Andragogy of the Faculty of Education at the Université de Montréal. She is also a researcher at RÉVERBÈRE (, associate researcher at LISIS (, and associate researcher at CTREQ ( With a Ph.D. in Education Sciences, her expertise focuses on students who experience educational disabilities in an inclusive school setting, short- and medium-term intervention and transition planning, and service models and their organization to support these students or their teachers (e.g., co-teaching, teacher support team, etc.). n.trepanier@

Marie (Aurélie) Thériault, Université de Montréal

is a linguist (Ph.D, 2007). Associate professor in the Department of Psychopedagogy and Andragogy of the Faculty of Education at the Université de Montréal, she specializes in adult learning issues. She is interested in lifelong learning. Her research focuses on the ethnopedagogical pathways of adults in school and in life, on the learning difficulties and disabilities that the student may have, McGILL JOURNAL OF EDUCATION • VOL. 54 NO 1 WINTER 2019 Title 27 as well as on the respect of the student’s right to learn and to be socially included in the context. She previously taught general adult education for twenty years in Montreal. She is a regular researcher at CRIFPE and at the Réseau DIALOG, and the réseau de recherche et de connaissances relatives aux peuples autochtones. marie.

Francisco Loiola, Université de Montréal

is a full professor in the Department of Psychopedagogy and Andragogy of the Faculty of Education at the Université de Montréal. His main research interests revolve around teaching in a university context and the development of professional development devices in context from an enactivist perspective. They focus on the teacher’s disciplinary affiliation and pedagogical reasoning; the study of conceptions of teaching and learning; and the study and use of best practices in the pedagogical training of university professors. He is a founding member of the LIRES (, member of the GRIMTÉ (, and head of a multidisciplinary seminar for lecturers and graduate students.


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How to Cite

Grullon Carvajal, M. del C., Nassif-Gouin, C., Trépanier, N. S., Thériault, M. (Aurélie), & Loiola, F. (2023). Contributions of the enactive perspective to professional university training in Quebec. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 57(1). Retrieved from