
  • Pierre-Emmanuel Lacocque Lutheran General Hospital, Chicago


Mircea Eliade died on April 22, 1986. He was a recognized pioneer in the systematic study of the history of religions. Few scholars in our times have come close in erudition to Eliade's. Ever since childhood he aspired to knowledge with an extraordinary intensity and passion. A walking encyclopedia, he was as well versed in philosophy, world literature, theology or depth psychology as he was in such fields as orientalism, anthropology, and zoology, including entomology (the study of insects), one of his favorite childhood pastimes. This author who knew Mircea Eliade for many years reminisces about the man and his life. A brief vita of the savant is also provided in an appendix. RÉSUMÉ Mircea Eliade est mort le 22 avril 1986. C'était l'un des chefs de file reconnus de l'étude systématique de l'histoire des religions. Rares sont aujourd'hui les savants dont l'érudition se rapproche de celle d'Eliade. Depuis sa plus tendre enfance, il aspirait au savoir avec une intensité et une passion hors du commun. Véritable encyclopédie vivante, il était aussi à l'aise en philosophie, en littérature, en théologie ou en psychologie des profondeurs que dans des domaines comme l'orientalisme, l'anthropologie et la zoologie, notamment l'entomologie qui était l'un des passe-temps de son enfance. L'auteur qui a bien connu Mircea Eliade évoque l'homme et sa vie. Une brève biographie du savant figure également en annexe.

Author Biography

Pierre-Emmanuel Lacocque, Lutheran General Hospital, Chicago

Pierre-Emmanuel Lacocque is a Psychologist and Clinical Supervisor at Lutheran General Hospital (Outpatient Psychiatry). He received his Bachelor and Master's degrees in psychology from McGill University and his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Northwestern University. Prior to his present position Dr. Lacocque worked for ten years in psychiatric settings in the Chicago area. He is the co-author of The Jonah Complex (1981) which was foreworded by Mircea Eliade. Among his recent publications are articles on the experience of meaning in life and its relationship to mental hea1th, the fear of success from an existential perspective, a critique of Carl Jung's view of the individualization process, and a paper on death or disintegration anxiety in therapists working with so-called "aversive" patients. He is now working on a psychobiographical portrait of Mircea Eliade. Pierre-Emmanuel Lacocque, psychologue et superviseur clinique au Lutheran General Hospital (consultations psychiatriques externes), a obtenu un diplôme de psychologie à l'université McGill et son doctorat en aide psychopédagogique à l'université Northwestern. M. Lacocque a travaillé pendant dix ans dans des centres psychiatriques de la région de Chicago. Il est l'un des auteurs de The Jonah Complex (1981), dont la préface est de Mircea Eliade, et il a écrit de nombreux articles de psychologie existentielle. Il travaille aujourd'hui à un portrait psychobiographique de Mircea Eliade.




How to Cite

Lacocque, P.-E. (1987). MIRCEA ELIADE REMEMBERED. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 22(002). Retrieved from https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/7735


