
  • Jerome M. Sattler San Diego State University
  • Philip A. Saigh City University of New York


This special issue of the McGill Journal of Education is devoted to school-based assessment research in Canada, People's Republic of China, Israel, Lebanon, and the United States. The focus of each paper is primarily on psychoeducational assessment issues that involve standardized intelligence, achievement, and personality/temperament tests used to evaluate children having difficulties in school. The nations surveyed are located in North America, the Middle East, and China. Readers, therefore, will be able to gain some understanding of current trends in psychoeducational assessment research in diverse regions of the world.

Author Biographies

Jerome M. Sattler, San Diego State University

Jerome M. Sattler is a professor of psychology at San Diego State University where he has taught since 1965. Dr. Sattler is a Diplomat in Clinical Psychology and a Fellow of Division 16 (School Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. He served as an expert witness in the Larry P. v. Wilson Riles case involving the use of intelligence tests for the assessment of black children in California public schools. He has contributed over 90 publications to the fields of clinical and school psychology and psychoeducational journals. Additionally, he has delivered over 140 invited lectures and workshops. In 1972 he was Senior Fulbright Lecturer at the University of Kebangsaan in Malaysia. He is the author (and publisher) of Assessment of Children, Third Edition. This commentary was written during his stay at University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, where he is a visiting professor. Jerome M. Sattler est professeur de psychologie à l'Université d'État de San Diego, où il enseigne depuis 1965. Il est diplômé de psychologie clinique et membre de l'American Psychological Association (division 16, psychologie scolaire). Il a témoigné à titre d'expert dans l'affaire Larry P. c. Wilson Riles, à propos de l'évaluation d'enfants noirs au moyen de tests d'intelligence dans les écoles publiques de Californie. Il compte plus de 90 publications dans les domaines de la psychologie clinique, de la psychologie scolaire et de la psycho-pédagogie. Il a en outre été invité à prononcer ou à diriger plus de 140 conférences et ateliers. En 1972, l'Université de Kebangsaan (Malaisie) l'a invité à titre de conférencier principal dans le cadre de son cycle de conférences Fulbright. Il est l'auteur (et l'éditeur) de Assessment of Children (3e édition). Cet article a été écrit pendant le séjour qu'il a fait au University College Cork, en Irlande, à titre de professeur invité.

Philip A. Saigh, City University of New York

Philip A. Saigh is a professor and head of the doctoral program in school psychology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He previously served on the faculty of the American University of Beirut from 1977 to 1986. Professor Saigh is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 16, School Psychology), and his research interests primarily involve the assessment and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Many of his publications have been in that area as well as in the area of school-based assessment. Philip A. Salgh est professeur et directeur du programme de doctorat en psychologie scolaire au Graduate Center de la City University of New York. Il a enseigné à l'Université américaine de Beyrouth de 1977 à 1986. Il est membre de l'American Psychological Association (division 16, psychologie scolaire). Ses recherches portent principalement sur l'évaluation et le traitement des troubles post-traumatiques. Bon nombre de ses publications portent sur ces questions et sur le problème de l'évaluation en milieu scolaire.




How to Cite

Sattler, J. M., & Saigh, P. A. (1990). SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT RESEARCH IN FIVE NATIONS. McGill Journal of Education / Revue Des Sciences De l’éducation De McGill, 25(001). Retrieved from


